
Life moves


Nobody gives a fuck, it doesn't change the fact that you suck.

Guess who's fat? ME! Uh, so once a week (sundays) I allow myself to eat (for real, no spitting). Wanna know everything i've eaten today? That would be gross to say. I might tell you. But i did do some physical activity, which is not a normal occurrence. (I don't know how i still look muscular, been a gymnast my whole life till recently) It's hotter than hell in my damn room. I think i burnt like 500 extra calories today. That's good news since i probably ingested about 1,000 or more. Usually i don't go above 400. I hate being fat. Like why is it that i have to be fat while there are supermodels who get to be stick thin and like ten feet tall. I have physics test tomorrow and tuesday. Thats how long the test is. TWODAYSOFIT. Then i have to get ready for finals? NO? Ehh. Just took a look at my legs. Man I'm gross. My life sucks. under 200 tomorrow? yessss. lets try.
Really wanna know all i ate today?

2 snickers ice cream bars
3 tbs peanut butter
1 apple
1/3 of a whole pineapple
1 1/2 cups of pasta with butter and salt only
2 mini boxes of cereal (no milk)
2 cups of ice cream (mint)


anyway to lighten the worlds spirits, they were born:

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